
Archive is the final destination for your completed actions and projects. Archiving your items will keep your lists uncluttered and may improve application performance.

After you complete an action or a project in Everdo, it will appear in the Done section of the current view. This is useful when you need to review what you have completed recently, or need to move an item back to an unfinished state. However, as time goes on, completed actions accumulate in Done, creating an unnecessary distraction.

The purpose of the Archive list is to hide any actions and projects that you have completed a while ago, and no longer need to see.

Archiving individual actions and projects

In the desktop app, you can drag-and-drop an item into the Archive navigation item in the application sidebar.

Archiving all completed actions and projects

To archive all completed actions and projects in one go, open the Archive list by clicking on the corresponding navigation item, then use a corresponding button or the app menu (depending on the app platform).

Last modified October 31, 2020