Keyboard Configuration

As of version 1.7.5 Everdo allows complete customization of keyboard shortcuts. This page explains how to use this feature.

To view and modify shortcuts, open “Settings”, then go to the “Keyboard” tab. You will see a list of actions and associated shortcuts.

A single shortcut has format {KeyCode} or {Modifiers}+{KeyCode}. For example KeyF is a shortcut corresponding to pressing the F key and Alt+KeyF is a shortcut corresponding to pressing Alt and F simultaneously. A shortcut can contain more than one modifier, for example Alt+Shift+KeyF. However any shortcut must end with exactly one key code.

The available modifiers are Ctrl, Alt, Shift and Meta. Modifiers must apper in the beginning of the shortcut separated by +, for example Ctrl+Alt.

A shortcut must end with exactly one key code. The available key codes correspond to event.code values based on a reference QWERTY keyboard:

  • Digit0 through Digit9
  • KeyA through KeyZ
  • F1 through F12
  • Esc, PrintScreen, ScrollLock, Pause, Enter
  • Backquote, Minus, Equal, Backspace,
  • Insert, Home, PageUp, Pagedown, End, Delete,
  • CapsLock, Semicolon, Quote, Backslash, IntlBackslash,
  • ContextMenu, ArrowLeft, ArrowUp, ArrowRight, ArrowDown,
  • NumLock, NumpadDivide, NumpadMultiply, NumpadSubtract, NumpadAdd, NumpadEnter, NumpadDecimal,
  • Numpad0 through Numpad9

If you are unsure which key code maps to which key on your keyboard, you can use to detect the appropriate event.code.

Every action can be assigned multiple shortcuts separated by spaces. For example the default set of shortcuts for moving the current item up is Shift+KeyK Shift+ArrowUp, which means that both Shift+K and Shift+Up are assigned to this action.

Restoring the defaults

To restore the default shortcuts, go to the data directory and delete or rename keyboard.json.

Last modified March 22, 2022